Archives: Areas of Practice
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Friday July 21, 2017
Medical Professional Licensing The attorneys of Norman Hanson DeTroy represent health care practitioners of all kinds in matters affecting their professional licensure. MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL LICENSING The attorneys of Norman Hanson DeTroy represent health care practitioners of all kinds in matters affecting their professional licensure. We defend our clients before the Board of Licensure in Medicine,...
Friday July 21, 2017
Medical Professional Liability The attorneys at Norman Hanson DeTroy have unparalleled expertise in the prevention and defense of lawsuits against health care professionals and institutions of all kinds: hospitals, nursing homes, medical doctors, dentists, nurses, and therapists, among others. MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY The attorneys at Norman Hanson DeTroy have unparalleled expertise in the prevention and...
Friday July 21, 2017
Medical Credentialing Attorneys at Norman Hanson DeTroy represent doctors, hospitals, and other professional organizations in complex and sensitive credentialing matters. MEDICAL CREDENTIALING Attorneys at Norman Hanson DeTroy represent doctors, hospitals, and other professional organizations in complex and sensitive credentialing matters. We advise both individuals and organizations regarding their rights and obligations under the Health Care...
Friday July 21, 2017
Landlord/Tenant Agreements & Litigation We regularly advise landlords and tenants in every stage of the leasing relationship, from the preparation and negotiation of lease agreements, to the interpretation and renegotiation of existing terms, to the resolution of disputes involving leased properties. LANDLORD/TENANT AGREEMENTS & LITIGATION We regularly advise landlords and tenants in every stage of...
Friday July 21, 2017
Intellectual Property Innovation is the primary driver for business growth and success. We at Norman Hanson DeTroy help our clients to realize value from innovation by recognizing, protecting, and enforcing it as their intellectual property. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Innovation is the primary driver for business growth and success. We at Norman Hanson DeTroy help our clients...
Friday July 21, 2017
Insurance Defense Litigation No firm in the State of Maine has more experience defending insureds for national, regional, and local insurers than Norman Hanson DeTroy. INSURANCE DEFENSE LITIGATION No firm in the State of Maine has more experience defending insureds for national, regional, and local insurers than Norman Hanson DeTroy. As one of the two...
Friday July 21, 2017
Insurance Coverage Successfully navigating complex issues of insurance coverage requires a sophisticated approach devised by highly experienced attorneys. INSURANCE COVERAGE Successfully navigating complex issues of insurance coverage requires a sophisticated approach devised by highly experienced attorneys. We at Norman Hanson DeTroy are widely recognized as the leading authorities in the area of insurance coverage law...
Friday July 21, 2017
Hospitality, Restaurants & Inns With Maine’s thriving environment for lodging and dining establishments, Norman Hanson DeTroy is well-equipped to serve the hospitality industry in meeting its diverse legal needs. HOSPITALITY, RESTAURANTS & INNS With Maine’s thriving environment for lodging and dining establishments, Norman Hanson DeTroy is well-equipped to serve the hospitality industry in meeting its...
Friday July 21, 2017
Healthcare Compliance Norman Hanson DeTroy has provided trusted counsel to health care providers since the firm’s inception. We represent hospitals, nursing homes, home care providers, and individual professionals across the State of Maine. HEALTHCARE COMPLIANCE Norman Hanson DeTroy has provided trusted counsel to health care providers since the firm’s inception. We represent hospitals, nursing homes,...
Friday July 21, 2017
Government Relations At Norman Hanson DeTroy, we understand that more law is made in the Legislature, the Congress, and through agency rulemaking than in the courthouse. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS At Norman Hanson DeTroy, we understand that more law is made in the Legislature, the Congress, and through agency rulemaking than in the courthouse. Changing the law...
Friday July 21, 2017
Family, Divorce, Custody & Adoption The breakdown of a relationship, particularly when children are involved, is one of the most challenging transitions a person can experience. FAMILY, DIVORCE, CUSTODY & ADOPTION The breakdown of a relationship, particularly when children are involved, is one of the most challenging transitions a person can experience. The family law...
Friday July 21, 2017
Estate Planning, Wills & Trusts While the skills and experience of the attorneys at Norman Hanson DeTroy can provide measurable tax savings and clear structure in your personal affairs, the real value we can provide you is “peace of mind.” ESTATE PLANNING, WILLS & TRUSTS While the skills and experience of the attorneys at Norman...