Medical Professional Licensing
The attorneys of Norman Hanson DeTroy represent health care practitioners of all kinds in matters affecting their professional licensure.
The attorneys of Norman Hanson DeTroy represent health care practitioners of all kinds in matters affecting their professional licensure. We defend our clients before the Board of Licensure in Medicine, the Board of Osteopathic Licensure, the Board of Dental Examiners, the Board of Nursing, the Board of Social Work Licensure, the Board of Pharmacy, and other licensing bodies involving patient complaints and concerns raised by regulators. Our health care attorneys counsel clients facing charges of professional and ethical misconduct, provide support during informal hearings, and, when necessary, advocate in formal adjudicatory proceedings with the same skill and energy we bring into the courtroom. We are committed to ensuring that our clients receive the fair treatment they deserve in licensing, and we draw on our experience as trial lawyers to meet that commitment.