Medical Professional Liability
The attorneys at Norman Hanson DeTroy have unparalleled expertise in the prevention and defense of lawsuits against health care professionals and institutions of all kinds: hospitals, nursing homes, medical doctors, dentists, nurses, and therapists, among others.
The attorneys at Norman Hanson DeTroy have unparalleled expertise in the prevention and defense of lawsuits against health care professionals and institutions of all kinds: hospitals, nursing homes, medical doctors, dentists, nurses, and therapists, among others.
We have been at the forefront of this field for the past thirty years, including advocating medical liability reform in the Maine legislature and upholding the most important elements of Maine’s landmark Health Security Act. We have represented the health care profession in many of the most important cases decided by the Maine Supreme Judicial Court in recent decades. In addition to our direct representation of health care providers, we have advocated for Maine’s leading medical liability insurers and professional associations in their capacity as amicus curiae (“friend of the court “) on appeals.
On a daily basis, our lawyers draw on unmatched experience to advise and defend our clients in this complex and ever-changing field. Whether developing risk management protocols for hospitals, advising medical practices about how to respond to patient complaints, or consulting with nationally-renowned experts to assist in the defense of catastrophic injury claims, we combine wise reflection with aggressive action. We have successfully handled hundreds of professional negligence suits throughout the State of Maine, from Alfred to Caribou and from Farmington to Machias, as well as claims brought under state and federal civil rights laws, the Maine Tort Claims Act, and the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA).
Our firm’s stature has made it “counsel of first choice” for health care professionals and medical institutions throughout Maine. In a rapidly-evolving world, the firm’s depth, experience, and intellect have positioned it to continue building upon this successes.