Construction Contracts & Litigation
Norman Hanson DeTroy has a long history in construction litigation representing contractors, subcontractors, and design professionals in commercial and residential disputes arising out of claims of faulty workmanship, defective materials, improper design, non-payment, and personal injury.
Norman Hanson DeTroy has a long history in construction litigation representing contractors, subcontractors, and design professionals in commercial and residential disputes arising out of claims of faulty workmanship, defective materials, improper design, non-payment, and personal injury. We have represented the full range of builders over several decades, from some of Maine’s largest construction companies who have reputations across New England to some of the State’s smallest builders who work exclusively within Maine. Our experience is not limited to representing construction professionals; we also have represented homeowners, business owners, and municipalities in resolving disputes about a variety of construction and design issues generated by single-family homes, and even harbor dredging projects.
We bring our trademark efficiency and effectiveness to construction litigation by tailoring our approach to the size and nature of the dispute. Our attorneys take maximum advantage of lien laws, enforce cost-saving arbitration requirements in contract documents, use court-mandated mediations to eliminate issues or resolve the litigation entirely, limit discovery to the essentials, and win summary judgment motions on the contract documents. If a trial in court is the only way to end the case, our experienced attorneys know how to deliver the results clients need in front of both judges and juries.
Of course, the most efficient and effective way to deal with construction litigation is to avoid it entirely. We offer a variety of non-litigation services before a project even begins that help owners, contractors, and designers avoid litigation in the first place. Our attorneys prepare contract documents for projects large and small, for commercial and residential jobs, and for owners and builders. We know how to keep projects moving by providing timely, practical, and creative advice to solve problems that threaten to halt projects.