In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, Norman, Hanson & DeTroy, LLC, has adjusted its policies so that its services and response capabilities for clients remain unaffected, while doing our best to prevent risk of spreading the coronavirus in our workplace and our community.
Because of safety considerations relating to COVID-19, we are closing reception to all walk-in traffic. Every effort will be made to conduct meetings and conferences via telephone or other electronic forms of communication. If the circumstances require an in-person meeting, it will need to be scheduled through your attorney, and we will ask any visitor to respect social spacing recommendations from the CDC.
We are following state and federal CDC Guidelines, and are:
- limiting our business travel plans and in person meetings in favor of conference calls or video conferencing where possible;
- assuring that our lawyers are technologically enabled to work remotely in case of a need for confinement or spread prevention. The quality of work and communications will not be affected adversely;
- instructing that if meetings need to be held in person, every effort will be made to avoid close contact;
- updating our practices to be consistent with current CDC guidelines on prevention and risk management.
Norman, Hanson & DeTroy is committed to continuing to provide our clients with experienced, effective and efficient legal services in a timely manner, consistent with the official recommendations for dealing with the coronavirus outbreak.
Thank you for your understanding as we work through this health crisis together.