Mark Lavoie represented the Maine Chapter of the American College of Trial Lawyers at its annual meeting, held in La Qunita, California and scored third place with his group in the organization’s golf tournament.
Robert Cummins was recently nominated by Governor Mills and approved by the State Legislature to serve as a commissioner on the Maine Commission on Indigent Legal Services.
Katlyn Davidson, Lindsey Sands and Elizabeth Brogan presented at the 26th annual Maine Workers’ Comp Summit held at the Samoset Resort in Rockport. Katlyn and Lindsey presented at the Summit’s opening plenary session, “Keys to Compliance and Successful Outcomes,” which provided an overview of Maine’s workers’ compensation system and provided instruction on key elements oF claims handling and litigation practices. Elizabeth presented at two plenary sessions regarding legislative updates to the Maine Workers’ Compensation Act and the legal year in review, discussing Law Court and Appellate Division decisions of note over the past year.
Elizabeth Brogan served on a working group convened by the Workers’ Compensation Board pursuant to the workers’ compensation omnibus bill, LD 756, enacted in 2019. The results of the group’s work, on issues related to work search, vocational rehabilitation and protections for injured workers whose employers have wrongfully not secured workers’ compensation coverage, were reported to the Joint Standing Committee on Labor and Housing at the end of January.
Kathyrn Longley-Leahy has been appointed to a second three-year term as an Advisor to 10th, 11th and 12th grade girls at Edward Little High participating in the Olympia Snowe Women’s Leadership Institute program as “Olympia’s Leaders. The Institute is designed to elevate the confidence and aspirations of high school girls by helping them build the leadership, collaboration and problem-solving skills needed to become successful in their lives, families, careers and communities. The Institute has state-wide support by leading organizations and over 360 professional women volunteer as mentors and classroom advisors to more than 500 high school girls across the State of Maine.
David Very was awarded the Defense Research Institute’s State Leadership Award at the DRI Annual Meeting. DRI is the largest international membership of defenses attorneys with over 22,000 members.
Elizabeth Brogan was a featured presenter regarding new developments in workers’ compensation law and the legislative process at the annual meeting of the Maine Health Care Association Workers’ Compensation Fund.