Attorney and Professional Liability
The attorneys at Norman Hanson DeTroy have extensive expertise in the prevention and defense of lawsuits against attorneys, accountants, real estate agents and agencies, home inspectors, insurance brokers and agencies, and other industry professionals.
The attorneys at Norman Hanson DeTroy have extensive expertise in the prevention and defense of lawsuits against attorneys, accountants, real estate agents and agencies, home inspectors, insurance brokers and agencies, and other industry professionals.
With experience in all aspects of professional liability, disciplinary, and licensure defense, our attorneys are well qualified to handle the sensitive issues involved in litigation strategy and resolution, while always being aware of the impact a dispute can have on the professional’s reputation and professional practice. Our attorneys provide a results-driven, cost-efficient approach to the defense of professional liability claims.
In addition to the defense of attorney and professional liability and disciplinary claims, we frequently provide counseling, representation, and advocacy for individual professionals as well as their professional practices.
Our legal services extend to state and federal courts in Maine and Northern New England, as well as licensing boards, administrative agencies, and regulatory boards related to each profession.